
Chairman    –        Principal

Coordinator –        One of the Teaching Faculties

Members     –        5 to 6 Faculties from various departments


  • To ensure provision of a work and educational environment that is free from sexual harassment.
  • To take all reasonable steps  to prevent the harassment occurring; 
  • To address any oral/written complaint about unwelcome sexual advances, unsolicited acts of physical intimacy. 
  • To  obtain high level support from the chief executive officer and Principal & Director for implementing a comprehensive strategy
  • Providing information to all staff and students about what constitutes sexual harassment and about their responsibility not to sexually harass other staff and students
  • Providing information and training managers, supervisors and staff conducting teaching and learning activities on meeting their responsibilities in relation to maintaining a work and study environment free from sexual harassment.
  • To develop a written policy which prohibits sexual harassment for the Institution 
  • To ensure and reinforce the policy at staff meetings.
  • Provide the policy and other relevant information on sexual harassment to new staff as a standard part of induction; periodically review the policy to ensure it is operating effectively and contains up to date information.
  • Display anti-sexual harassment posters on notice boards in common work areas and distribute relevant brochures; 
  • Conduct regular awareness rising sessions for all staff on sexual harassment issues.

Current Members

2Dr.MithraCo-ordinatorAssistant Professor of Computer Science
3Dr.R.SivanesanMemberVice Principal
4Dr.S.AngelJeyalet RaniMemberAssistant Professor of Tamil
5Dr.M.SubalaMemberAssistant Professor of Commerce
6Dr.D.StalinMemberAssistant Professor of Mathematics
7Dr.A.Amala RaniMemberAssistant Professor of Physics
8Ms.P.AnishaMemberPhysical Director