News & Events

Last college assembly for the Odd Semester

October 30, 2024

Greetings! The last college assembly for the Odd Semester of this Academic year was held today at 9.25 AM in the College Quadrangle. The assembly began with the invocations. Dr V S Bindhu, Head, Dept of English briefed the activities of the Students Welfare Committee. The winners of various sports and co-curricular competitions were honoured with prizes. Eco Expedition, an Eco Magazine by students of III BA English was officially launched by the Principal. The Principal, Rev Dr Michael Aro SDB, in his address appreciated the staff and students for all accomplishments throughout the semester and acknowledged the magnanimous contribution of the students towards Student Welfare Fund. He further urged the students to meticulously prepare for the upcoming end semester examination. After the common assembly, the students participated in the Holy Mass.