Attendance Committee


Chairman              : Principal

Advisor                 : Secretary and Correspondent

Coordinator         : Vice Principal

Members              : All the HODs

                               Office Superintendent

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To ensure that daily attendance is recorded by the Professors in the prescribed attendance sheets/Slip/Notebook/Assessment Book and that the same is submitted within 2 days of the completion of the last lecture/s for the month.
  • To inform the Principal the name/s of the defaulting Lecturer/s by the 3rd of the following month.
  • To ensure timely compilation of attendance record by the dealing clerks.
  • To ensure periodic display of attendance on the Notice Boards and make corrections if needed.
  • To keep track of regular absentees and counsel them, if required, along with their parents.
  • To generate the defaulters’ list, and after receiving approval from the Principal of the same, handover a copy to the Examination Cell/College Accountant so as to mail them to respective parents /guardians and give a copy each to the respective class coordinator.
  • To prepare a subject wise list of the final attendance, practical and lectures together and make it available on share-on folder for subject teachers’ ready reference.
  • To process genuine cases for condonation of attendance.
  • To maintain the records of the compiled attendance and submit the same to the IQAC.

 Current Members

Sl.No Name Designation Department
1 Rev Dr Michael Arockiasamy SDB  Chairperson Principal
2 Very Rev Fr Antony Jose Advisor Secretary and Correspondent
3 Dr.R.Sivanesan Coordinator Vice Principal
4 Dr.P.H.Sudharlin Paul Member Head and Assistant Professor of Physics
5 Dr.R.Pranesh Kumar Member Head and Assistant Professor of English
6 Dr.A.Sanal Member Head and Assistant Professor of Computer Science
7 Dr.M.Jeba Jeeva Rani Member Head and Assistant Professor of Chemistry
8 Dr.P.S.Stem Edilber Member Head and Assistant Professor of Mathematics
9 Mrs.D.Jaya Suresh Member Office Superintendent