
Advisor                                               : Secretary and Correspondent

Chairman                                           :  Principal

Convener                                           :  One of the Research Supervisor

Members                                            :  All Department Heads

Office Superintendent

College Accountant

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To organize, plan, and coordinate the State/National/Internal Seminars,Conferences, Workshops, and Webinars periodically.
  • To arrange periodical guest lecture on emerging and contemporary legal aspects.
  • To develop research and analytical skills among students and academicians and to encourage presentation of their thoughts and ideas.
  • To build up good relation with stakeholders through sponsorship and potential participation.
  • To provide support and guidance to the seminar and conference committee.
  • To select committee chairs and committee members with the Convenor’s recommendations.
  • To prepare the budget and finalize topics and speakers for the seminar and conference.
  • To work along with the Principal/Convener to ensure cost effective sessions.
  • To communicate with the speakers/chief guest/resource person including issuing contracts.
  • To ask the speaker to complete the online form that includes information about the session as well as demographic information about the speaker.
  • To make travel arrangements, and hotel lodging reservations when necessary.
  • To act as a liaison to sponsoring organizations or the affiliated organizations.
  • To sign all contracts between the publishing agency and any service providers.
  • To provide a listing to the finance committee chair of all expenses that will be reimbursed by the seminar for each speaker.
  • To prepare final seminar and conference report from committee reports.
  • To collect and save records to pass on to the Principal/IQAC.
  • To create a conducive environment for promotion of Research & Innovation activities in the institute.
  • To encourage faculty members to apply for Major, Minor Research Projects,Incubation, Design and innovation Centres.
  • To ensure smooth functioning and effective Management of Research Innovation activities at the institute.
  • To promote collaborative research.
  • To strengthen industry – institute interaction by promoting consultancy, testing and need based research and innovation activities in the institute.
  • To formulate policy on all research related matters which impacts the strategic objectives of the College.
  • To consider and make recommendations on matters of policy relating to research including matters referred by the Council and other College committees.
  • To review and oversee the implementation of College’s policy on research ethics.
  • To monitor the relevance and efficacy of established policy – addressing shortcomings and anomalies so as to facilitate high quality research activities within the College structures.
  • To oversee quality assurance and improvement measures in respect of research activity, including the efficacy of research quality measures.
  • To advise the Dean of Research in his role in reporting internally and externally on research related matters.
  • To review Annual Reports related to research and to make recommendations to the Council.
  • To approve procedures for allocating research funds and monitor their implementation.
  • To establish Advisory Committees and Working Groups as required to develop and oversee policy in respect of research matters.

Current Members

Sl.No Name Designation Department


Dr.S.Isias Chairperson Principal


Dr.R.Sivanesan Co-ordinator Vice Principal


Dr.P.H.Sudharlin Paul Member Head and Assistant Professor of Physics


Dr.M.Jeba Jeeva Rani Member Head and Assistant Professor of Chemistry


Dr.R.Pranesh Kumar Member Head and Assistant Professor of English


Dr.S.Sanjith Member Head and Assistant Professor of Computer Science


Dr.P.S.Rajesh Member Head and Assistant Professor of Tamil


Dr.Subitha .A Member Head and Assistant Professor of Mathematics