
Chairman          :   Principal

Coordinator      : One of the Computer Science Faculties         

Members          :   Six to nine faculties


  • To Develop and recommend web related policies and standards
  • To Oversee the Design and Underlying Technology
  • To Ensure the website stays current with new technology/trends
  • To Implement regular data collection methods
  • To Use data collected to guide the framework and infrastructure of the college website
  • To Create guiding principles to steer the framework and infrastructure decisions of the college website
  • To set timelines for web engine upgrade and new website deployments.
  • Regularly assess the design of the website and make recommendations for improvement
  • Coordinate with graphic designer to update websites images and graphics
  • Create web engine compatible design prototypes based on collected feedback
  • Identify and advocate for web needs and services for the college community.

Current Members

1Rev.Dr.Micheal ArockiasamyChairpersonPrincipal
2Very Rev. Fr. Antony JoseSecretary & Correspondent
3Rev. Fr. Ajin JoseCampus Minister
4Dr. A. SanalConvenerHead and Assistant Professor of the
Department of Computer Science
5Mr. A. Pravin  Co-ConvenerAssistant Professor of Computer Science
6Dr.D. BobbyMemberAssistant Professor of English
7Ms. Salinda Evelin SuniramMemberAssistant Professor of Computer Science
8Dr.P. BesmiMemberAssistant Professor of Commerce
9Ms. M. MahibaMemberAssistant Professor of Mathematics
11Dr. A. AnitaMemberAssistant Professor of Chemistry
12Ms. T. Anisha Dominic TiffanyMemberAssistant Professor of English
13Ms .P. AnishaMemberPhysical Director