Greetings! The Inauguration of all Associations and Investiture Ceremony was held today(9.8.2024) by 11.a.m at the multipurpose Hall. The chief guest of the day is Dr.Joseph Dunston, former Vice Chancellor of St.Joseph University Nagaland. Welcome dance was performed by our students added colour to the programme.The office bearers took their charge in the Investiture of Student council.They were honoured by the Chief guest Dr.Joseph Dunston,our respected secretary and Correspondent Very Rev.Fr Antony Jose , Principal Rev.Dr.Michael Aro SDB,Campus Minister Rev.Fr.Ajin Jose and the Vice Principal Dr.R.Sivanesan. The office bearers of all the Department Associations took their charge in the investiture ceremony of all Department Associations followed by the Investiture ceremony of the clubs and all committee in which the commitee members were introduced.The final part witnessed the investiture ceremony of Sports.The sports captains were introduced and honoured.All selected members had taken oath affirming their commitment to their positions. The Chief guest motivated the young leaders through his thought provoking speech.The melodious song performed by the students is quite noteworthy and created a jubilant scenario. The day came to an end with the national Anthem. The student Council,all Department Associations,clubs and committees, sports take privilege in thanking the Management for giving a day to honour our student leaders.
Thank you