Dear Colleagues
It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover, says “Joules Henri Poincare”. In agreement with this, the department of Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Science has organized SACXPO-2k24 on 10.09.2024. In this event 156 teams have showcased their exhibits and more than 1700 students came to see the models. The program started with a grand inauguration ceremony comprising of the chief Guest Dr. Sudhakar, His excellency, Mar Rajendran SDB, Bishop of Thuckalay Dioscese, Very Rev. Antony Jose, Correspondent and secretary, Rev.Dr. Michael Aro , Principal. The Bishop presented the inaugural address, while the chief guest addressed the exhibitors with a scientific touch. After the assessment on Exhibits, in the valedictory ceremony the Correspondent and the Principal motivated the gathering by quoting the biography of the famous Physicist. Furthermore, best three prizes were announced and distributed by them.
With kind regards
Dr.P.H.Sudharlin Paul, Convener