The Student Council of the College organised a memorable Teachers’ Day Celebration to honour and appreciate the invaluable contributions of the Teachers. The event was arranged at the College quadrangle. The programme commenced with the invocation of divine blessings by 11 am. The Student Council Chairman Mr Hari cordially welcomed the gathering. The Correspondent and Secretary Very Rev Fr Antony Jose delivered the presidential address in which he highlighted the significance of Teachers’ Day and expressed gratitude to all teaching and non-teaching staff for their dedication and commitment towards the profession. The Principal Rev Dr Michael Aro SDB greeted the staff members and appreciated their unrendering service. This was followed by a series of cultural performances including dance and song. The Games and activities added a fun element to the event with full involvement of teaching and non-teaching staff. The students shared their gratitude and love through gifts. Ms Jinisha, the Student Council Executive Member thanked everyone. The day provided excellent opportunity for the students to express their gratitude towards the teachers.